Kimber Website Reskin
Website layouts that accompanied Kimber’s move toward a more craftsman aesthetic.
Client: Kimber America
Year: 2023
ADA Colors
Color needed to work on both an off-white or dark background and were inspired by American whisky labels.
Contemporary typefaces were used in all caps and tracked out to create the same feeling as older, decorative type.
Web Elements
Buttons and accent elements are meant to evoke the filigree of whisky labels and the box grids of old era shipping manifests.
Home Page
Budget and web resources didn’t allow for a full rebuild of the website. The brand had to be implemented in away that fit with the current website layout.
About Page
Interior pages contrasted with the heavy use of black paper texture, allowing them to be more easily created and adjusted by client’s internal team.
Product Page
Product pages bring back the heavy use of the black paper texture and its related colors to create a “spec sheet” experience.